FreeAgent Essentials accreditation clinic

Every second Wednesday, 12:00 - 13:30 (UK)

This comprehensive training session will provide you with an in-depth tutorial on FreeAgent’s Practice Dashboard, client account and mobile app.

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During this 90-minute session, you’ll discover how to personalise your settings, add your colleagues as account managers and create new client accounts. You’ll learn about the most important aspects of the client account, starting with an overview of its features before exploring invoicing, banking, VAT and reporting functionalities.

You’ll also learn about the FreeAgent mobile app for clients, and how it can support them when they’re on the go. We’ll cover areas including recording time against a job, raising an invoice, capturing an expense receipt, explaining bank transactions and re-consenting to an Open Banking bank feed connection - which can all be done via the app.

At the end of the session, you’ll have the opportunity to test your new-found knowledge and sit the FreeAgent Essentials accreditation exam.

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