Tips for practices working from home during the coronavirus crisis

With the UK in lockdown, most practices are having to adapt to remote working and many are doing so for the first time. Even if you’re a seasoned home worker, the current crisis could mean that you’re having to make big changes to your routine. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some top tips to keep the wheels of your practice turning while you’re working from home.

Adapt your office hours

Recent research suggests that many people are working longer hours now that they’re working from home. Emma Parry, an HR management professor at Cranfield School of Management, believes a lack of separation between professional and personal time can lead to reduced job satisfaction and can impact your overall wellbeing, so it’s important to have a clear distinction even when working from home. You may also find that adapting your office hours can make it easier to balance your work and home obligations. Once you have office hours that work for you, try and stick to them so you can continue to support clients and get through your to-do list when you’re working and make the most of your free time when you’re not.

Take some time to catch up with colleagues and clients

Social distancing can get pretty lonely so if you have team members working remotely, mental health charity Mind recommends that you check in on them regularly to see how they’re doing. Check-ins with clients can also be a good way to strengthen relationships with them in a potentially difficult time. The ever-changing financial landscape means clients may be asking for advice on a diverse range of topics, from small business rate relief to Universal Credit applications. Our small business hub has a host of resources you can share with any of your small business clients who are affected by the coronavirus crisis.

Let your clients know how they can get in touch with you

If your clients usually contact you via your office landline number, make sure you’ve set up a redirect to your mobile or home landline so you don’t miss important calls while working from home. You could also email your clients to let them know the best way to contact you and what your working hours will be while you’re working remotely. If you’re receiving more client enquiries than you’ve got capacity to answer, consider setting up an auto-reply email or recording a voicemail message to let them know that it might take you a little longer than usual to respond to their query.

Find new ways for clients to send you their information

The UK’s lockdown rules means that small business owners who used to visit their accountant with a shoebox full of paperwork can no longer do so. While you could ask these clients to post you the information, why not take the opportunity to ask them to send you their receipts and other financial information digitally, using the FreeAgent mobile app. While you’re working hard to adapt your approach to running your practice during the current crisis, we’re working hard to keep you informed on all the latest developments for you and your small business clients. Check out our coronavirus practice support hub for useful resources and helpful content you can share with your clients.