Our new Amazon integration has arrived

We have some exciting news - we’ve launched a new integration with Amazon that allows clients with an Amazon UK Marketplace account to connect it directly to FreeAgent. 

This powerful integration brings a host of automation options that allow you to work more efficiently with clients who sell on the world’s biggest online marketplace.

This is one of the first direct integrations between Amazon and UK-based accounting software and provides customers with the most cost-effective marketplace solution on the Selling Partner Appstore.

How does it work?

Each day, details of your clients’ Amazon sales, refunds and fees flow into FreeAgent automatically. Based on this data, the software creates invoices, credit notes and bills and explains transactions to the appropriate accounting categories.

This time-saving tool significantly improves the accuracy of client data and reduces the manual admin required for you and any clients who sell goods on the Amazon UK Marketplace.

How does FreeAgent’s Amazon integration compare to third-party apps? 

  FreeAgent A2X Link My Books
Type of integration Optional add on built in FreeAgent Third-party integration for Xero, QuickBooks & Sage Third-party integration for Xero & QuickBooks
Post Amazon sales/fees and reconcile statements Yes Yes Yes
Max orders per month 6,000 200 on 'Mini' tier 200 on 'Lite' tier
Amazon marketplaces 1 (Amazon UK only) 1 on 'Mini' tier Unlimited on 'Lite' tier
Price Free until 1st September 2024, then £6/month +VAT Starts at $19 (US)/month for 'Mini' tier Starts at £13/month for 'Lite' tier

Try it for free until September 2024

Your clients can use the integration free of charge until 1st September 2024. After that, Partners can either allow clients to subscribe directly at a cost of just £6/month (+VAT) or add it to their Practice invoice at a reduced rate. More details will be available soon. 

Unlike third-party alternatives, we only have one price, and we don’t set any restrictions on how much your clients can use the integration. However, the practical upper limit is around 6,000 orders per month, based on the volume of data imported from Amazon’s API. We anticipate this to be more than enough for most clients who sell on Amazon.

How can I get started?

We’ve created this digital flyer that you can download and share with your clients to introduce them to FreeAgent’s Amazon integration. 

Once they’re ready to go, clients with an active Amazon UK account can activate the Amazon integration via the Connections and Add-ons page, which they can access through the Settings page in their FreeAgent account. They’ll need to be the FreeAgent account owner to connect.

You’ll find all the information you and your clients need to get started, including how to set up the integration and how to use it once it’s connected, on our Knowledge Base.

You can also watch this video for guidance on how to set up the integration.

A note for Mettle clients 

If you have clients who bank with Mettle, they’ll need to have a new Mettle bank account in order to set up an Amazon seller account, as the sort codes for Mettle’s older e-money accounts are not recognised by Amazon. If your clients still use a Mettle e-money account, they can easily make the switch from within the Mettle app. Head to Mettle to find out more.