5 ideas to help your clients weather the coronavirus storm

Small businesses and freelancers are well versed in overcoming adversity but the ongoing coronavirus outbreak is a uniquely challenging situation for everyone. We’ve pulled together a range of ideas and strategies that might help your clients protect their businesses during this turbulent period.

1. Let clients know about the government assistance available

The UK government has announced a variety of temporary schemes, grants, loans and measures to help small businesses survive the coronavirus outbreak. From the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the Self-employment Income Support Scheme to deferred bill payments and sick pay, we’ve summarised all the key support that’s available for small businesses during this period in this shareable guide.

2. Discuss how your clients can adapt their business model

While the UK is under lockdown, the vast majority of businesses have been unable to operate as normal. Whether it’s performing a physical service or opening bricks and mortar premises, the scope of most businesses has been significantly curtailed.

If possible, consider working with your clients to devise ways to pivot their businesses to stay afloat during this period. For example, a personal trainer could consider offering online training sessions, a local shop could potentially switch to a delivery model or a cafe might create an e-book of its most-loved recipes. Your clients could also consider offering their customers the option of purchasing a gift card or voucher that they can use in the future.

3. Help your clients become masters of marketing

If your clients are finding themselves with more free time than usual, they could take the opportunity to polish their marketing plans. This might mean refreshing their branding, developing a fresh look for their business or simply reviewing and updating the content on their website. If your clients don’t already have one, starting a blog could be a great way of keeping their customers updated, as well as giving them some fresh new content to share on their social media channels.

4. Highlight the importance of online events

Your clients might now be regulars at video meetups with their family and friends but have they attended any virtual events professionally yet? Organisations like Creative Mornings have moved their usual coffee mornings online, while conferences like Brighton Ruby have come up with unique ways to deliver their planned talks digitally. As well as learning something new, these events could provide your clients with a valuable chance to grow their network and feel part of a community at a time when they might need it most.

At FreeAgent, we've started hosting a virtual coffee break for freelancers and small business owners every Wednesday morning at 10am on Facebook. We’re delighted to see how many people have been able to make new connections over a digital cuppa with us, so please do invite your clients to join us.

5. Encourage clients to upskill in their downtime

Last but not least, if your clients are finding themselves with some extra downtime at the moment, this could be a good opportunity for them to learn a new skill. Websites like Udemy offer thousands of free courses and many universities and higher education institutions are offering some of their courses for free during the coronavirus crisis. Whether it’s getting to grips with Photoshop, brushing up on their artistic skills or even learning a new language, your clients might find that this is an ideal time to add a few new strings to their bow!

You can pass these ideas onto your clients by sharing this version of the blog post with them.