We’ve given the Practice Dashboard a new lick of paint

New lick of paint

We’ve made a few improvements to the Practice Dashboard navigation based on feedback we’ve received from some of our practice partners. These changes should make it even easier for you to access all the important accounting features you need to make the most of FreeAgent. Here’s a whistle-stop tour of what’s changed.

A smoother onboarding journey

We’ve improved the onboarding journey for new account managers to make it easier for them to get to know their Practice Dashboard. When new account managers log in for the first time, they’ll see a welcome message that tells them about some of the dashboard’s key features. The account manager can then complete our suggested tasks to get their accounts fully set up. These tasks include trialing a demo client account, connecting their agent services account and adding their first client.

Welcome message practice dashboard

All of your practice's clients under one roof

We’ve replaced the ‘My Clients’ tab on the dashboard navigation with the new ‘Clients’ tab. From here, you can manage your existing client accounts, upload client statements and add new client accounts.

If you’re a senior account manager, you’ll be able to switch between the ‘My Clients’ and ‘All Clients’ options from within the ‘Clients’ tab. You can use the ‘All Clients’ option to view all of your practice’s clients and export their information in a CSV file.

Practice dashboard clients

A new home for dashboard alerts

We’ve replaced the ‘Dashboard’ tab on the navigation with the new ‘Alerts’ tab, where you can set up and manage your dashboard alerts. This will make it even easier for you to keep an eye on key aspects of your clients’ accounts, such as when they need to reconnect and re-consent their Open Banking bank feeds.

If you’ve still to set up your customisable alerts, click the ‘Add a new Alert Rule’ button. To find out how alerts can add value to your Practice Dashboard, check out our recent blog post.

Practice dashboard alerts

If you have any questions about your Practice Dashboard contact our Practice Support team on practicesupport@freeagent.com.